Dec 28, 2021
I can't do this on my own, providing great medical care... You can't either...
It's a team thing!
And yet, physicians and other medical professionals sometimes need reminders for how to best function within teams.
Check out the rest of this episode for tips about enhancing your...
Dec 21, 2021
Flourishing in medicine...
To grow and be well...
Supporting health for yourself and your patients,
Connecting with others,
Doing meaningful work.
Does this sound more like what you want for your journey in medicine?
Check out the rest of this episode to hear more about these prerequisites for flourishing in medicine...
Dec 14, 2021
What do you hope for?
Your team to win the big game?
Or is it something bigger than that...
Connection? Love? Purpose? Meaningful work?
Check this episode to hear how to encourage your patients, your colleagues, and yourself today!
Get home faster with 10 tips from my free guide, Maximize Your Clinical Efficiency! Click...
Dec 7, 2021
What are you doing?
What are you supposed to be doing?
What expectations do you face daily in medicine? At home? From yourself?
Check out this episode to hear more about expectations and how you can better manage them both inside and outside of medicine!
Get home faster with 10 tips from my free guide, Maximize Your...
Nov 30, 2021
Faster faster, faster.
Wait, wait, wait.
Is faster, more efficient, always better in medicine?
For doctors? For patients?
Not so sure, huh?
Check out today's episode to hear how slowing down can actually help you personally and professionally.
Referenced in this episode: Thinking, Fast, and Slow by Daniel Kahnemann