Aug 31, 2021
What if I told you the key to breaking through the repetition and monotony of clicks, typing, and charting in medicine was actually to DO MORE? But I thought we just spent two episodes talking about the importance of margin, principles, doing less? Check out this episode to hear how I believe advancing your wellness as...
Aug 24, 2021
Wait what? Budgeting money? That sounds boring. No, painful. I'm a doctor after all, and I deserve it. The house, the car, the vacation, whatever. My credit card still works right? Is my spending in line with my priorities? If you have had these thoughts or wondered how another physician wrestles with financial...
Aug 17, 2021
What time is it? Did that alarm clock just go off again? Can I go home yet? I feel like I barely can take any time off. I'm overwhelmed with the administrative tasks and charting that comes home after work. I get so distracted and then wonder where all the time went. Leisure reading, what's that? A little time...
Aug 10, 2021
Have you wondered, how can I get everything done and get home in time? Or are my expectations and goals matching reality? Are there things I could change to work towards those goals? Are you caught in a showdown between getting things done, helping with the never-ending needs and requests around you? If you have asked...
Aug 3, 2021
In this episode, examine wellness from a professional perspective, hear reflections on Cal Newport's book entitled Deep Work and the applications on adding value, craftsmanship, prioritization, and how to get out of meetings.
Hear how deep work, craftsmanship, and the art of medicine can help you reconnect with your...